John Ericsson ephemera

Photographs and engravings

Ericsson Ericsson


Cigarette and Tobacco cards

Ericsson Card

A Lone Jack cigarettes card. N365 Great Inventors Series, issued in 1887.

Ericsson Card

A, 1911, heroes of history tobacco card, commemorating Capt John Ericsson.

Ericsson Card

Tabacco card issued by W Duke, Sons & Co. in 1888.

Ericsson home

A Helmar Turkish Cigarettes card. No. T69 Historic Homes Series, issued in 1911.


Tabacco card issued by John Finzer & Brothers, Lousiville, Wild Rose Tabacco

Postage stamps

Ericsson stamp

John Ericsson commemorative stamp issued by U.S postal service in 1926.

Commemorative medals and coins


The following english language books give technical information relating to Ericssons inventions:

  1. Contributions to the Centennial Exhibition
    John Ericsson
    New York, 1876.
    (Reprinted in 1976 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Stockholm).

  2. A History of Hot Air Caloric and Stirling Engines. Vol one, A History.
    Robert Sier.
    Chelmsford. 1999.

  3. A Lecture on the late improvements in Steam Navigation and The Arts of Navel Warefare
    with a brief notice of Ericssons Caloric Engine.
    John. O. Sargent
    New York. 1844

  4. The life of John Ericsson
    William C Church
    New York. 1891.

  5. John Ericsson and the Age of Caloric
    Eugene S Ferguson
    Washington. 1961.

  6. U.S.S Monitor. The Ship That Launched A Modern Navy
    Edward M Miller
    Annapolis, 1978
    ISBN 0-915268-10-8

  7. The Man who made the Monitor. A Biography of John Ericsson, Naval Engineer.
    Olav Thulesius
The following books are in the Swedish language :
  1. John Ericsson. Mannen och uppfinnaren
    Carola Goldkuht
    Stockholm. 1961.

  2. Ingeniören vid Beach Street.
    Gustaf Lindwall
    Stockholm. 1937

  3. John Ericsson. Lefnadsteckning
    Teofron Säve
    Stockholm. 1906.

  4. John Ericsson. Och etthundra af hans uppfinningar
    P C Headley. Translated and adapted by Osca Stackelberg
    Stockholm. 1866.

The following english language books are non technical biographies:

  1. The miner boy and his Monitor, or the career and achivements of John Ericsson the engineer.
    P C Headley
    New York 1865

  2. Yankee from Sweden
    Ruth White
    New York. 1960.

  3. Captain John Ericsson: Father of the Moniter
    Constance Buel Burnett
    New York, 1960
    (This book was written for young people)

  4. John Ericsson and The Inventions of War
    Ann Brophy
    ISBN 0-382-09943-5
    (Silver Burdett Press: History of the Civil War series, juvenile literature)

  5. Man of the Monitor.
    Jean Lee Latham.
    New York 1962.

Other published material relating to the life of John Ericsson :

  1. The First Iron-Clad Navel Engagement in the world
    E. V. White.
    Published in 1908.

  2. John Ericsson. United States Congress Proceedings of the Unveiling of the Statue of John Ericsson in Potomac Park, Washington, D.C.
    Published in Washington, 1929.

  3. Captain John Ericsson in New York
    Erik Eliasson
    New York, 1988.

  4. Monitor
    James Tertius deKay.
    London 1999
    ISBN 0-7126-6539-0

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